
- Year of production from Sept. 2006 to Dec. 2011
- Model no.: UA31
- Engine no: N46N
- Model series: E81
Balance weight, zinc
BMW alloy wheel M V-spoke 217
BMW alloy wheel, M double spoke 207
BMW alloy wheel, M double spoke 208
BMW Composite wheel, star spoke 179
BMW LA wheel Streamline 370
BMW LA wheel, double spoke 496
BMW LA wheel, M double spoke 261
BMW LA wheel, M double spoke 313
BMW LA wheel, star spoke 180
BMW LA wheel, star spoke 181
BMW LA wheel, star spoke 262
BMW LA wheel, star spoke 264
BMW LA wheel, star spoke 311
BMW LA wheel, star spoke 371
BMW LA wheel, start spoke 256
BMW LA wheel, V spoke 360
BMW LA wheel, V spoke 372
BMW LA wheel, W-spoke 263
BMW LA wheel/double spoke 178
BMW LA wheel/double spoke 182
BMW LA wheel/double spoke 222
BMW light alloy wheel, radial spoke 216
BMW light alloy wheel, spider spoke 139
BMW light alloy wheel, spider spoke 140
BMW light alloy wheel, spider spoke 142
BMW light alloy wheel, spider spoke 151
BMW light alloy wheel, V-spoke 141
BMW light alloy wheel, V-spoke 229
BMW light alloy wheel, V-spoke 255
BMW Performance LA wheel, double sp. 313
BMW Performance LA wheel/double spoke269
Set emergency wheel with tyre
Set wheel locks
Set wheel locks
Summer tyres
Winter tyre